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Discover the Stories of Philip K Dick

and the Music of The Invisible Presence

Between the Truth and What We See

There is a constant threat throughout history and in our lives that correlate with this and the other stories put to music in this EP. “Between the truth and what we see, there

lies the casualty of what we’ve become.” What can really be trusted? Is our perception of reality perpetually flawed? Indeed, Philip K. Dick may at many times seem like a visionary, but maybe that is because he understood the past and present. Maybe this twisted future is not too far off, and it is up to us to differentiate wisely betwe- en the truth and what we see. We sincerely hope you enjoy our upcoming EP, and whatever you take from it please remember, we are just new messengers relaying to you classic stories with messages worthy of hearing.


Produced, engineered and mixed by Marco Germani
Recorded @ Deja Vu anomaly studios (yes we pretend to be in a real recording studio, lol) by The Invisible Presence, except: Drums for track 3 recorded @ Dingo Studio, Trento, Italy, by Cristian Postal and Elisa Pisetta
Drums on tracks 1, 2 & 4 by Daniele Crisafulli
Drums on track 3 by Francesco Carli
Cover art by Petra Brandstrôm (@hymnodi)
Logo design by Noe Multimedia, Florence, Italy
Album design and layout by Audun Liland (@brautdesign)
Photos by The Invisible Presence
All tracks published by Deja Vu Anomaly Music


All the magnificent art we receive inspired by PKD stories

“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” 
Philip K. DickVALIS

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